Things you must know if ever you are to love me
I am an unusual creature
I find ease in complication
I will not set the clocks back
I live in warm weather time
And in the spring I will write a note above the oven that reads “this is the hour”
I will eat the platanitos on the way home from the market
or the grapes if I want something sweet
or the chocolate (dark) if I‘m in need of indulgence
I love the resounding silence of the morning
Those precious moments when the mind, a captive of the dream world only just liberated,
finds itself hollow
I remain entangled with my duvet until the sun aligns its eyes exactly with mine
as though to say with a butter-soft smile “It’s time to wake up, my dear”
I am enticed by beginnings
I am drawn to first chapters like
infants to the warmth of mothers’ milk
Once every month I will throw a tantrum
Crouch beneath (what feels to be) the weight of the world
And then the next day the blood will flow and I’ll say
“Ah, so that’s what it was all about”
I find hats to be quite stimulating
But every part of me resists containment
the curls on my head being no exception
So I hang the heralded head accessories on my wall and ogle
Pulling them down only on days when I feel small enough to fit inside
But most days I will dance
I will dance beneath the full moon
And in dimly lit studios while the Bossa Nova plays
I will dance with my lips and my tongue
and my hips and my loins
And inspire words to twirl and dip and entertain
I will dance circles around you if you let me
So you must dance too
I seldom wear underwear!
And I shave beneath my arms almost everyday
I like for the air to find my skin
I have a superiority complex about my left-handedness
I believe my superiority complex about my left-handedness is justified.
I treat rules as suggestions
because that’s what they are
And yet, I will always have the last word
Even if it’s just
I never lie
If it’s a matter of feelings I will steer away from
the question at hand
But then,
I lie
I scar and I bruise like an over-ripened peach
My body is patterned with relics
And smile lines deeper than the ocean
And knots tighter than any alibi
I am constantly scouring the earth for a story
If I get an idea I will try it on
My eyes widen and for a moment
I am someplace else
I am afraid of endings
my nightstand is stacked high with books I’ll never finish
my notebook filled with poems abandoned mid-verse
I won’t say goodbye
Especially when I know I’ll never see you again
I did not cry when I entered this world
And shed very few tears my first decade here
I have spent the last ten years making up for lost time
In fact, when I cut the onions for stir-frys and stews I must don sunglasses
Or else I become Alice
swimming in a pool of my own making
I am my favorite conversationalist
I will laugh at the air and point fingers at a phantom
playing both Andre and Wally at the dinner table
Oh how we love to dine alone
I am a product of my upbringing
I will share my bed with you every nightfall
But I will keep my apartment
And ask that you keep yours
I have been acting the role of myself for such a great length of time
I have finally become her
Though I think womanhood itself is but an act
That is why I denounce it
I find my power in femininity
The ugly kind
That slithers and hisses and avenges
Smiles at the absurdity of its condition
I am lawfully maniacal
I will think a thing over in a hundred different directions
Before approaching a conclusion
And I will unthink the same thing over in a hundred new directions
Before reaching a conclusion
Yet I am a child of the bull and stubbornness abounds
and when I decide
I will make my mind up in limestone and bolt it to the ground
Which is a gift if I love you
And hell if I do not
But another thing you must know is that I am very keen on loving
Even where liking is no frequenter
I will stay even when the glee has soured into expectation
I am afraid of goodbye
I am full of fire
I’ll transform, but only as I please
So if ever you are to love me
please know
I simply must be